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19 March 2008

Budidaya Ikan Mas - Mengatasi lumpur

Selain sampah, air yang mengalir pada saluran sering mengadung lumpur. Lumpur bisa berasal dari sawah yang baru dibajak, bisa juga karena telah terjadi hujan deras. Lumpur yang terlalu banyak bisa menurunkan kualitas air. Selain itu lumpur juga bisa menimbulkan pendangkalan pada kolam.

Cara sederhana untuk me-ngatasi hal itu dengan membuat kolam atau bak pengendapan. Dengan cara itu, lumpur akan mengendap dan air yang masuk ke perkolaman bisa lebih bersih.

Cara lainnya dengan membuat filter.

River is very dirty. Especially after raining. There are many polutans there, trash, muds, leafs, and other polutans. All of them are very disturb culture activities.

Trash can block current water, it can cause flood, less water to ponds. Trash also carry diseases. Muds can shallowe canal, and make flood, less water to pond. Muds also shallowe ponds.

Filter is one of facillity to prevent them. It made in the front of ponds, by cement. A filter has 8 parts, are inlet, bar, sediment tank, filter, clear water tank, canal out, outlet, drain hole.

Size of filter depend of discharge. Discharge 10 litres/second, made filter by length 5 m, wide 2 m, and deep 2 m. Disharge 20 litres/second, made filter by length 6 m, wide 3 m, and deep 2 m.

Inlet made near of river, wide 0,5 – 1 m, deep 0,3 – 0,5 m. Inlet fucnted by irrigate water. In this part made a bar by bar ion 0,6 cm in diameter, and distance 2 cm. Bar is functed to block trash.

Sediment tank made after inlet, by length 2 m of 5 m. This part made zig-zag, and in the bottom made a hole for outing muds. Sediment tank functed by block muds, so that followe watter current.

After sediment tank, made filter, by 1 m of 5 m. It’s principal part of filter. In this part all of pulutas filtered, so that water that has throught clear. Filter materials, are gravels, sand, and palm fibre.

Filter shaped in nine levels by 20 cm in level. Lowest gravels, half palm fibre, and higgest sand. In order to clear, all of materials entered to sack. Every sack of material can lift each other. In the bottom made a hole for outing muds.

Clear water tank made after filter, by lenth 2 m of 5 m. In the bottom of this part made a hole for outing water, and muds, and also made outlet for distributing water to ponds, by wide 0,5 – 1 m.

Beside of filter made out canal. It functed by irrigating water when drying. Out canal rellate by river, so tha muds can easy loss with current water. Filter is better dryied every month, or depend of condition.